Hai friends... PC fair just past.. Little Panda worked in PC fair with FOSA company, a notebook authorised dealer for past 3 days, the feeling is so good..
Earned a lot? not really..
then what make me feel happy?
That is... I earned EXPERIENCE..and SKILL...
wow... its sound GRRRRREEEAAAAT
the experience to promote my goods
the technique to persuid customer
the technique to convince customer
the technique to communicate with BOSS
the technique to chat with friends
last but not least
is the money I earned.
During that PC fair, I was catogorised to the TOSHIBA notebook booth
TOSHIBA is a branded and world class notebook
There are many variety which is from the price RM 2199 till RM 4699
I managed to hit my target with at least 18 notebooks
wow.. by hit the target, my commission will increase
happy happy...
I DO buy myself a new notebook for my varsity life used
which is PEARL WHITE chasis
nice outlooking
but hard to take care
BUT it's my responsibility to take care it
to LOVE it..
and appreciate what I have
wow.. hehehe.. so..
it's late night d
sweet dream my friends